That’s a bold statement to make, right? Stay with me.
A Seller’s motivation can vary from person to person; however, most sellers are usually focused on two main goals – Top Dollar & a Fast Sale. While there are many things that we cannot control in the sale of our homes such as the location, age or type of home, there are many factors that we can control. Controlling those factors is where the seller’s power lies. Staging is a powerful tool that has a proven direct effect on your bottom line and selling timeline.
In order to understand the power of Staging, it is important to first understand what professional Staging is and is not. To keep it simple, Staging is not just using neutral colours, decluttering and putting pretty things around the house. Staging is a process that begins with a very detailed and in depth look at your property, it’s target market, it’s unique highlights and features, potential improvements with a high ROI (return on investment). Then we look at how to best showcase this online, virtually and in-person in order to market to your property’s potential buyer. While a perfectly placed painting or a rug in the right spot may seem easy, there’s much more to staging than meets the eye.
Staging gives you a Competitive edge in EVERY market!
Stage your home BEFORE you put it on the market. Do not be tempted to try to sell it “as is” because you think it’s a Seller’s market. This is a huge mistake that can cost you dearly as it is a disservice to you and your pocket book. You will not get another chance to make a First Impression. And why would you take a chance with what is probably your largest investment? Take control of how your home hits the market and be sure that it is professionally Staged and Showcased in it’s best light. Leaving it “as is” may not appeal to potential buyers and if your home is not Staged, chances are your competitors probably is. You still want to take chances?
77 % of buyers view homes first on the internet. By staging it first, you’re ensuring that your home stands out above the rest.
Staging Helps Sell Faster!
Staging creates FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), a well-known purchasing motivator. Your house should create a strong desire to buy and emotionally capture your property’s target Market. Professionally staging a property is about telling stories and creating that desire. Your old chapter is about to become someone’s new chapter – can they feel that through your photos or as their pulling into the driveway or opening the door for the first time? Your house needs to make a solid First Impression – Online & In-Person and from Curb to Core.
Average number of days on the market for staged homes was approximately 14, versus 30 days on the market for an unstaged home.
Bottom Line:
Professionally Staging your home = Top Dollar + Fast Sale.
According to HGTV’s ‘Designed to Sell,’ 98% of the houses staged have sold Over asking price.
This may sound like a lot to take in, but when you sell your home with me, the stress is taken off your shoulders - Staging is a complimentary service – Furniture & Décor included.
Although other real-estate professionals may offer staging as a complimentary service, ours is unique and above the rest! We have the proven experience - As a Certified Staging Professional, I have the staging team, knowledge, inventory and resources to properly position your home to sell for Top Dollar Fast. And we make staging easy, accessible and yes – NOT OPTIONAL. Let’s not take any chances with your largest investment!
Our Services are Your Competitive Advantage
My team of Certified Staging Professionals first provide you with a customized home staging design plan and a detailed report. We take care of any furniture selection, placement, colour coordination, décor selection and arrangement, lighting enhancement and upgrade suggestions. We also pinpoint specific aspects of your property that require showcasing, so your home can appeal to a broader market. For more information and to get started, you can reach out to me through our website, or by phone at 905-977-8358.

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