Love It or List It? How To Fall Back In Love with Your Home or Know When It's Time To Move On
Tuesday Feb 16th, 2021
Close your eyes. Think back to the first time you stepped into your home. Seems like yesterday, doesn’t it? Back then, the house seemed to be MADE just for you. Forward to today, your family has grown and so have all of your needs. You love your home & the memories that you’ve made in those four walls but it just doesn’t seem to be a perfect fit anymore.
Here are some helpful tips that can help you figure out if you should Love it or List it!
How to LOVE it Again
Brighten Up!
Let’s face it - lighting can make or break the entire feeling of a room. There are two simple exercises that you can do to turn your home from a dark dungeon into a bright and welcoming castle! The first is to put a fresh coat of paint on the walls, plain and simple! Whether the colour of your walls is darker than you want it to be, or you just need to freshen them up, a clean coat of paint will do wonders to get you on your way to a brighter living space. Once you’ve done that, rearrange the furniture to better compliment where the sun comes through during the day. Light plays a key role in creating the illusion of more space. So, if you’re feeling like your living room is a bit cramped, try spacing out your furniture a bit more and keeping your key pieces such as the couch, love seats, and cabinets, around the perimeter of your room. Once you’ve done that, go the extra mile and freshen up the accent pieces in the room. Go for new throw pillows, plants in bright white pots, or a soft coloured blanket to hang on the back of your favourite chair. Walking into your living room with a cup of coffee and being able to feel the sun on your face in a freshly brightened space will make a world of difference!
Press Play on Your Dream Reno ▶️
You’ve thought about it time and time again. Knocking down that wall, brand new appliances or cabinets in the kitchen, wood floors in the basement, or perhaps upgrading your bathroom. Now that we’re all spending more time at home, we’re staring at that one glaring change we’re desperate to make. But we won’t pull the trigger for a number of practical reasons we can list off in a heartbeat. Well, I’m here to tell you to throw on your hard hat and roll out those blueprint plans. The time is NOW! Take the leap! You will be amazed at how quickly you fall back in love with your home when you see those beautiful shiny new appliances or fresh cabinets in your kitchen. Having a hard time seeing your home’s limitless potential? You can always consider booking an online Interior Design Consultation with a local designer.
*Call or Text for Resources - See end of Article.
Knowing when to LIST it
Prioritize and Reassess YOUR needs!
Aside from all the ways in which all our needs have changed in the last year (2020, you really handed it to us!), there is nothing wrong with recognizing that you’ve outgrown your home. It happens! What made you happy then, might not be making you happy now. The same can be said for what you need in a home. What worked then, might not be cutting it now and you’re tempted to make a change. But how do you know if the time has come to close one chapter and start a new one?
Still unsure if you can Love it?
Hire a Professional
The decision to Love it or List it can be emotionally taxing. You can easily spend months navigating your way through this choice and sometimes that final push you need can come down to having the right conversation with the right professional. Weighing the pros and cons with a trusted realtor can help give you the clarity needed to make a decision that is best for you and your family. Let my experience work for you!
Spring 2021 is looking as if it will continue to be a seller’s market. Minimal supply, high demand, and low interest rates have greatly contributed to an increase in offers and bidding wars in properties across the board. So, if you’re teetering on the edge of deciding to sell, let’s talk about your decision to Love it or List it!
LOVE it or LIST it - Still unsure?
Let's talk! Call me direct at 905-977-8358
*For more information on Loving It or Listing It, as well as for any additional resources (see below)
Call me direct at 905-977-8358, or send me an email through my website by clicking here.

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