So you’ve decided to sell your home, now what? Trust me, I’ve been there before. 😅 Throughout my real estate journey, staying organized and knowing exactly what I need to do before I sell my home was always the biggest challenge- and I love challenges!
Selling your home may feel like you’re wearing so many hats and juggling so many things all at once. That’s why I want to give you some tips and tricks that I’ve learned over the years from my own personal experience as well as seeing what my clients do right (and what they do wrong!) 😂 So what are you waitin’ for? Let’s get your home sold now!
Keeping The Home Clean and Tidy 🧹
Where do you start? I like to work through the House in what I call a “Room by Room” pattern from the "Inside Out". Yes, the inside matters. Buyers will open the pantry, fridge and cupboards!
The first room up is the Kitchen. Because we work from the inside out, this is the time to toss out those old containers that you don’t use anymore and throw out the expired food from your fridge & pantry. Then you hit the surface level items that catch the immediate eye of your buyers such as the countertops, cupboards, backsplash, hardware, appliances, lights and a warm damp cloth wipe to any fingerprints on the walls.
Next up are Bathrooms. Starting “inside” the shower, toilet, cabinets (toss what you don’t use!) and onto the “outside” items such as cabinet doors, hardware, vanity lights and mirrors while wiping/disinfecting all surfaces including floors.
Moving onto the Bedrooms - Get ready to Marie Kondo those closets! This is a great time to “Donate, Toss or Sell” what you no longer need. Remember the pattern: Room by Room and Inside Out! Rinse & Repeat.
Special Note - Garage & Basements are often used for storage. Just make sure to keep items neat and tidy by keeping items stored in bins and in a dedicated area. This will help potential buyers see the space and not your stuff!
To make your day to day a little easier, have a daily tidy up routine. Again, use the room by room strategy. Start with all the beds and then move onto the kitchen and bathrooms. This is where the inside out strategy makes it so much easier to keep your home show ready. Just a quick surface wipe and you’re out the door!
Make it a Family Affair! 👩👩👧👦
The most important part in getting your home ready when selling is to DIVIDE and CONQUER! Giving everyone in the family a simple chore to do is the easiest way to clean your home and keep it tidy throughout the selling process.
A great way to do this is to give everybody a quick checklist for their assigned room. And a great way to keep everyone motivated is bribery! Who doesn’t love a Starbucks treat or a gift card to their favorite store? 🤣Lol
The Bottom Line
Cleaning your home and preparing it to sell doesn’t have to be a boring process. By establishing a daily routine and getting the entire family involved, you can divide and conquer and get your home clean and ready to sell in no time.
Now you know all the tips that I tell my clients when they’re getting ready to sell their home. I’d love to give you some more insight into everything else that goes into the home selling process by answering any questions you have!
Please contact me at or at (905) 977-8353 😊.

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